• Welcome

    Whether you come in through the front door (the stairs are a bit steep) or through the side door that has elevator access, you’ll be met and welcomed by a parishioner serving that day as a greeter.

  • Bulletin

    Our bulletin has everything in it that you need to follow along. At Christ Church we welcome different forms of worship too. Some people cross themselves or bow or open their hands at certain points and some people don’t. We really believe that you should do what helps you connect with God.
    To help you feel welcome you’ll be handed a bulletin as you enter the church, which helps as a guide to the days service and provide useful information about the church, its mission, and upcoming church activities.

  • The Word

    Our service begins with prayers and scripture readings. At our 8am Service we have moments of quiet reflection in between our prayers and readings. At our 10am Service we have hymns and music in between the readings and prayers. During the summer, we have one 9am service with opportunities both for silence and music.

  • The Sermon

    You’ll delight in the inspirational sermons delivered each Sunday by
    Pastor Jane. Young and with a wonderful outlook on life, Pastor Jane helps to lead parishioners to a better understanding of God in their lives. The message is of hope, love and charity.

  • The Peace

    After the sermon, we have an opportunity to read a statement of faith together called the Nicene Creed. This is a great opportunity to proclaim your faith in God for the first time or reaffirm your faith every Sunday. Almost every Sunday we read a prayer of confession and receive absolution. Then we walk around the church shaking hands and saying “peace.” In our world there is so much division. This exchange of peace is an ancient tradition that allows us to meet each other and declare our common bond in faith.

  • Donation

    After the Peace, we take up a collection of donations by passing a plate around the church. If it is your first time at Christ Church, we invite you to let the plate pass you by. If Christ Church is your regular church home, we invite you to donate to the work of the church. You may give your donations during this time of the service or here on this site. Donations help us continue to worship in this place and service our community by employing our four staff members and keeping up the church building and grounds. The cash donations received in the plate on the fourth Sunday are reserved for emergency pastoral needs that arise in the Church at the discretion of the Priest. Please speak directly to the priest if you are experiencing a financial emergency.

  • Holy Eucharist

    We take a great deal of care to pause and focus our attention on how Jesus came into the world to live and die as one of us. He did not skip the cross and he showed us that life does not end in death. As he died and then rose to life in heaven, Jesus gave us freedom from our sins and life everlasting with God. If you are going through a hard time or weighed down by the weight of sin, this a part of the service where you can especially encounter God’s deep and abiding love for us.

    All baptized Christians may receive the bread and wine. You may choose not to receive the wine by crossing your arms over your chest. The Lay Eucharistic Minister will cover the cup and offer the wine to you in spirit. If you are not baptized, but would like to receive communion, please Rev. Jane or any church leader know. We are so delighted that you are curious about welcoming Jesus into your life.

  • Blessing and Fellowship

    After communion, the priest offers a blessing over the community. You are welcome to come down to our parish hall just off the parking lot for coffee and fellowship. One newcomer recently said, “I felt so welcome after church. People made me feel like I had been at Christ Church for years.”