Prayers of the People

Transgender and Non-Binary Jusice

Prayers of the People: Transgender and Non-Binary Justice

Pastor Jane Jeuland

Christ Church, Trumbull CT



Prayer Leader: We hold in love and prayer all in the Church who recognize the significance of gender justice for all people. Loving God fill all believers with your compassion and care so that we may have the capacity to listen, learn, and grow not only in our awareness but also in our willingness to act. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

Prayer Leader: We hold in love and prayer all in our nation, who recognize the significance of gender justice for all people. We pray for teachers, social workers, lawyers, and all people in authority who heed the call to support trans liberation, trans leadership, and trans visibility. May they ultimately lean into the Light of truth and justice, offering hope to Trans and gender nonconforming youth and adults. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

Prayer Leader: We hold in love and prayer all transgendered and non-binary persons who have honored their truest selves and helped others honor transgendered persons. We pray for the dawn of a new day when the very humanity of trans people is no longer called into question or ignored. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

Prayer Leader: We hold in love and prayer all transgender people, so many of whom live under the weight of violence, fear, and intolerance. We especially lift up all those transgender and non-binary persons who face additional discrimination and violence based on the color of their skin. We pray that physical, emotional, and spiritual violence will come to an end. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

Prayer Leader: We hold in love and prayer the loved ones of all transgender and non-binary people who have been killed especially those killed in 2020:

Dustin Parker, Neulisa Luciano Ruiz, Yampi Mendez Arocho, Monika, Diamond, Lexi, Johanna Metzger, Serena Angelique Velazquez Ramos, Layla Pelaez Sanchez, Penelope Diaz Ramirez, Nina Pop, Helle Jae O’Regan, Tony McDade , Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells, Riah Milton, Jayne Thompson, Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Brian “Egypt” Powers, Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, Shaki Peters, Bree Black, Summer Taylor, Marilyn Cazares, Dior H Ova, Queasha D Hardy, Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears, Kee Sam, Aerrion Burnett, Mia Green, Michelle Michellyn Ramos Vargas, Felycya Harris, Brooklyn Deshuna, Sara Blackwood. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

Good and gracious God, help us commit and recommit to creating a world where people of all genders know peace, love, and justice. Help us commit and recommit to living lives of compassion and care for all of humanity. Help us commit and recommit to the healing work of relationship-building that will let every person know, no matter their gender or sexuality or race, that they are loved and valued. Lord in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.