Prayers of the People

Police Brutality

Prayers of the People: Police Brutality

Pastor Jane Jeuland

Christ Church, Trumbull



Prayer Leader:   “For Freedom, Christ has set us free.” God of freedom, we ask that you would set free all believers and all police officers from the sin of racism. God of Freedom,

All: Hear our Prayer.

Prayer Leader:  Jesus said, “My peace I give.” God of peace, we thank you for all those who work for peace in our nation. We especially thank you for all police officers who run toward difficult, tense, and violent situations to bring about peace. We ask that you would move the hearts and minds of all police officers so that they may work to end racism and bring about your peace. God of peace,

All: Hear our Prayer.

Prayer Leader: Jesus said, “Judge not.” God of justice, we pray for all those facing injustice in the world. We especially pray for those who have faced prejudice and racism at the hands of those who are meant to work for God’s justice. Be present with those who have suffered injustice and restore justice in our world. God of Justice,

All: Hear our Prayer.

Prayer Leader:  “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will protect him.” God of our protection, we especially pray today for all those who are in harms way. We ask that you would send them police officers, who would protect them from all violence. God of our protection,

All: Hear our Prayer.

Prayer Leader:  God promised, “I will heal my people.” God of our healing, we ask that you would heal all those who are sick or injured. We especially ask that you would heal and comfort all those who have been injured by police officers, especially, Justin Howell, a 20 year old young black man whose eye and brain were critically injured when police shot a rubber bullet at him while he was peacefully protesting in May. God of our healing,

All: Hear our Prayer.

Prayer Leader:  In God’s Heavenly Kingdom, “God will wipe every tear from their eyes.” God of compassion, we pray for all those African Americans who have been killed by police officers. Especially send your comfort and peace to all those who grieve the loss of Kathryn Johnston, a 92 year old woman, who was killed by police in her home during a no-knock raid based on false claims that she was selling drugs (2006), Tamir Rice, a 12-year old boy who was killed by police while playing with a plastic gun in a playground (2015), Philando Castile, a 28-year old man who was killed by police while sitting in his car during a traffic stop (2016), Sean Monterrosa, a 22-year old young man, who was killed by police while kneeling with his hands up at a protest (2020). God of compassion,

All: Hear our prayer.

Prayer/Worship Leader: Hear our prayers, Holy God. Breathe your Spirit over us and all the earth, that your freedom, peace, justice, protection, healing, and compassion would reside in all our hearts and especially the hearts and minds of our police officers. Unite us with one another in the bonds of your love, that the whole earth may live in peace. We pray all this through your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

All: Amen.