Christ Church Trumbull Vestry

  • Martine Yourieff, Sr. Warden

  • Jerry Gregory, Jr. Warden

  • Susan Vasone, Treasurer

  • Karen Holmes, Secretary

    Karen Holmes has been an active member of Christ Church since 2004, an active Episcopalian all her life. Her son and daughter were raised here and were active in youth programs. She spent many years as a Sunday school teacher and on the Vestry. Her Vestry rolls include Worship and Secretary, as well as many other committees including Rector Search Committees and Apple Festival Committees. It has been her pleasure being an active part of this loving community. We are a family, and welcome new members to the family with open arms. When Karen is not at church, she spends much of her time at work as a nurse for children with cancer and volunteering with organizations that support them.

  • Ginnie Glassman, Vestry Member

    Ginnie Glassman was received into the Episcopal Church in 1995 and joined Christ Church in 2018. She is very happy to be part of this caring community of people and enjoys being part of church activities. This is her second year on Vestry. She is active in the parish as a Worship Leader, Lay Preacher, Lector, Eucharistic Visitor, and Prayer Group Leader. She has also been leading Lay Preacher Training for the Diocese. She is glad to see new members of the parish and wants to work to support that growth.

  • Alyson Connole, Vestry Member

    The welcoming and nonjudgmental environment of this church is refreshing and encouraging. Being a small parish everyone has the opportunity to be heard and to contribute their time, talent, and/or treasure to make this community the best it can be. Alyson is a newer member of CCT and is also on the altar guild. Being over scheduled is her super power and she loves meeting other new parishioners.

  • Paul McGeary, Vestry Member

    Paul is a newcomer to Christ Church, having moved to Trumbull with his wife Catherine in July of last year. Paul and Catherine came to Connecticut to be closer to their son Michael and his family, who reside in Wilton. Prior to retirement, Paul worked for 25 years as a journalist and technologist at the Boston Globe and resided for more than 40 years in Gloucester, Mass.
    After retiring from the Boston Globe in 2010, Paul began a second career as a City Councilor in Gloucester, eventually becoming president of the City Council. Most recently, he and Catherine had lived in California, where their son and his family then resided.
    Paul has served as warden and vestry member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Gloucester, and on the Chapter of St. James Episcopal Cathedral in Fresno, California.
    Paul has a BA from Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass., and did post-graduate work at the University of Connecticut and Harvard University.
    He and Catherine have both felt welcomed at Christ Church and look forward to working with the congregation to provide a basis for growth and stability moving forward.

  • Howie Meehan, Vestry Member